An Outstanding Deep Dive Into Pediatric Sleep Study Management

In this on-demand educational webinar, dive into all the tips and tricks for serving the pediatric patient population and recording a successful pediatric patient sleep study.

Hear from Michael McLeland, Ph.D., RPSGT, and Technical Director of the Sleep Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, on how to get a successful pediatric sleep study and learn the following:

  1. Identify artifact and how to troubleshoot
  2. Describe the difference between EtCO2 and TcCO2 monitors
  3. Recognize a challenging patient
  4. Define why knowledge of different pediatric syndromes is important

About the Presenter:
Michael McLeland, Ph.D., RPSGT, and Technical Director of the Sleep Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, has over 20 years of experience in sleep medicine, and is well known as an expert in pediatric sleep. He is also the President of the Missouri Sleep Society, Director and Treasurer on the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT), and Chairs the Finance Committee and the Pediatric Exam Committee for the BRPT.

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